School fees are set by the School Board for the following year in Term Four. School fees and levies are necessary to supplement State and Commonwealth grants, provide sufficient funds to operate the school, and provide support for the educational environment and structure of the school.


There may be some families who don’t enrol their children in Catholic schools because of concerns about the level of fees and levies charged.

Catholic schools are accessible to all families willing to support the Catholic ethos regardless of their personal, financial and pastoral circumstances. No child will be denied a place in a Catholic school because of financial hardship.

Discounts apply for families who have three or more children enrolled in a Tasmanian Catholic school or college. We offer a 5% discount for families if fees are paid in full before the end of Term 1. Fees may also be paid weekly, fortnightly, monthly or annually. Direct debit or Centrepay are the preferred options.

We also offer a range of options for fee assistance if families are under any financial stress. The School Board is very conscious of supporting all families in our community and assisting where possible.

Families who are interested in Catholic education and feel they could benefit from financial support are encouraged to contact the school principal. All enquiries are managed sensitively and within privacy guidelines.